Maximizing Building Envelope Performance: Understanding the Purpose and Placement of Wheep Holes


Did you know that building envelopes are meticulously designed with strategically placed holes to facilitate water drainage? In this blog post, we will explore the significance of weep holes in building construction, particularly in brick veneer systems. Whether you're an experienced senior architect or an emerging professional, understanding the role of weep holes is crucial for ensuring the long-term durability and performance of building envelopes.


What are Weep Holes?

Weep holes serve as essential components within the building assembly, allowing water to escape from the air cavity. Typically found in brick veneer construction, these inconspicuous openings are strategically positioned to provide an outlet for water that may accumulate within the system. Weep holes can be located in both vertical and horizontal masonry joints, and they come in various types made from different materials.


Purpose and Function:

The primary purpose of weep holes is to ensure effective drainage by providing an exit point for water that penetrates the brick veneer. By allowing water to escape, these holes help prevent moisture buildup, potential damage, and mold growth within the building envelope. Weep holes are commonly situated above through wall flashing, ensuring a clear path for water to flow from the interior to the exterior of the system.


Design Considerations:

To maximize the efficiency of the drainage system, careful attention must be given to the placement and frequency of weep holes. Ideally, weep holes should be spaced at regular intervals along the masonry construction. Weep holes must be placed every 16”, 24”, or 36” depending on the type of weep holes and drainage system.


Additional Considerations:

When incorporating weep holes, it's essential to consider potential issues such as insect and rodent infiltration. To mitigate these risks, open head joints can be equipped with vents or screens, allowing water to exit while keeping unwanted pests at bay. Collaboration with product manufacturers is recommended to select suitable weep hole options that align with the specific requirements of your masonry construction.



Weep holes play a vital role in preserving the integrity and longevity of building envelopes. By facilitating proper water drainage, they prevent potentially damaging moisture buildup and protect against the harmful effects of mold and decay. Whether you're a seasoned architect or a budding professional, understanding the significance of weep holes in building design is crucial for creating robust and resilient structures.


Written by D.TO: Design TOgether

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