Design TOgether

BIM-Integrated Ultimate Design Platform for Architects

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2025 NAHB IBS Feb 25-27 〰️ Come by and See D.TO at the Start-up Zone #13

〰️Live Demo〰️

2025 NAHB IBS Feb 25-27 〰️ Come by and See D.TO at the Start-up Zone #13 〰️Live Demo〰️

Skip Searching.

Get it Delivered.

D.TO delivers all interactive design details you need.

Time-and-Effort Saving Features

  • BIM-integrated project data analysis

  • Building assembly design solutions

  • Building assembly design guidance

  • Smart product search

  • Streamlined product integration to specifications

  • Drag-and-drop task-specific BIM component integration

Design platform for Architects

Save Time and Effort in Design, Product Selection, and Documentation.

On-Demand Design Solution and Mentoring

Suggest tailored visual solutions to specific building assembly problems.

Offer real-time mentoring with 24/7 accessible design guidance.

  • D.TO provides architects with design solutions to complex building assembly issues and guidance covering crucial design points. D.TO offers visual diagrams to interact with architects, which ensures better design outcomes through instant dynamic access to design starting points. Architects can benefit from D.TO's virtual mentorship, including in-depth building science backgrounds, interactive diagrams, and non-biased textual guidelines.

    Our platform utilizes a patented algorithm that recommends top-quality building assembly designs, drawing from D.TO's extensive domain expertise in architectural design. D.TO is soon expanding its capabilities to include AI-based design classification and recommendations for a variety of real-world AEC challenges.

Smart Product Search, Selection, and Specification

Save time on endless product/specialty service searches for your unique project.

Skip searching. Get it delivered at the right time and place.

  • Our agile algorithm efficiently reads the product that the architect wants to explore through an interactive diagram. Our on-demand listings search and display building products based on project parameters. Architects can filter results by multiple criteria, including price, sustainability, peer reviews, etc. D.TO’s data-driven search feature enables the architects to prioritize search criteria per design requirements and make well-informed product selections through multi-objective optimization.

    D.TO save architects’ time, their most valuable resource, on endless product and specialty services by placing product and specialty service providers in front of the architects’ door when they need them. D.TO offers an integrated workflow to specify products as a basis-of-design and substitutes in a project. It helps to organize product selections at both the detailed drawing and project levels, making it easy to manage project specifications.

Streamlined BIM content integration into your drawings

Recommend the most suitable BIM detail components to complete the design tasks.

Enable visual selection and click-and-place.

Can download solution to your BIM model and modify it as you need.

  • D.TO analyzes the design parameters to comprehend the design issues that architects are facing. It then offers the most suitable BIM detail components for the product selected by the architects for their current design task. For example, if architects are resolving a window head detail, D.TO recommends a window head detail component and its relatives only. This saves architects from wasting 45 minutes searching for a single head detail component among 25 others.

    Architects don’t need to track down numerous manufacturers' most up-to-date BIM content. D.TO provides the latest BIM detail components of a product they set as a basis of design. Don’t know the terminology of a component? No worry. Scroll to check visually, click and place it into the drawing. Done!

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